Master Singers Building Master Singers
Master Singers Building Master Singers

Transformative Habit

A Transformative New Habit

Because of Vocal Masterclassics’ ground-breaking and detailed search capabilities, a regular and extensive viewing/listening regimen can now be a reality for each and every vocal student – whether in large metropolitan areas or the remotest rural settings! Indeed, because such a resource is now available…

…students can literally “sit at the feet of the masters” every week – being afforded the opportunity to learn and to listen – with the goal of becoming the most informed, highly-educated, and skillful professionals possible!

To undertake this revolutionary training procedure, we have laid out a four-year regimen integrated with the nine Vocal Masterclassics database drop-down menu search tools. The VMC Advantage Curriculum begins as a freshman voice student initiates his/her study (this training could begin at any level, however, ranging from high school to adult singers), and continues for the next four years – utilizing different viewing approaches for each subsequent semester.

The minimum viewing requirement per week is a half-hour, although students will obviously benefit from any additional time invested.

The non-negotiable principle: the student MUST watch at least one half-hour masterclass or masterclass segment per week.

As singer/musicians, we are all keenly aware that success (in any field) is achieved through hard work. Knowledge and skill are acquired through the day-in/day-out, week-in/week-out routines that build consistency and excellence – “precept upon precept.” As students invest one half-hour per week for 28 weeks per year over four years, they will have observed a total of 56 hours of guided masterclasses by the end of their study!

Imagine if…

…for 28 weeks per year over the last four years you had been afforded the unbelievable privilege of attending the masterclasses of such artists as Graves, Fleming, DiDonato, Allen, Domingo, Callas, Te Kanawa, Sutherland, Upshaw, Fischer-Dieskau, Bonney, Pavarotti, Caballé, Hampson, Gheorghiu, Bumbry, Hvorostovsky, Zeani, and over a hundred others – amounting to 56 hours of instruction…

…what knowledge, experience, and expertise would you now possess?!

What would you have learned about vocal technique, the fach system, vocal literature from various countries and languages, operas and opera arias, specific genres, differing composers, dramatic interpretation, performance acumen, audience engagement, and how to build a profitable singing career? How much more information would you have gleaned from the personalities and work ethic of each of these major singer-teachers – as well as what methods/techniques made them the world-class professionals they are today? And, finally, as you have spent 56 hours viewing these professionals working with other singers, how many evaluative skills would you have developed – should you desire to pursue a teaching career yourself?!

Through consistent implementation of this new resource, your knowledge of the voice and artistic understanding will have reached a significant professional level. And, as you embark on your career with such a tremendous foundation, you would reap a perpetual harvest lasting a lifetime!

All because of a mere half-hour investment per week!

Back to "The Vocal Masterclassics Advantage Curriculum" - Page 1 - "Introduction"

The Vocal Masterclassics Advantage Curriculum - Page 3 - "The Four-Year Viewing Plan"

The Vocal Masterclassics Advantage Curriculum - Page 4 - "The VMAC Report Forms" (Accessible to VMC individual and institutional subscribers only)

View a sample form (available to all website visitors):  24. VMAC-Sem #5-weeks 11-12