If you desire to engage in the serious study or exploration of recorded world-class masterclasses, Vocal Masterclassics is the only resource that provides you with complete and consistent program information with extensive cross-reference capabilities. As a result, "students of the voice" at any age can now fully access previously-undocumented program information for the extensive study of:
- Master-artists or performers matching or contrasting specific voice types - or combinations of these working together.
- Specific arias or song titles across a multitude of masterclass offerings (over 500 arias/songs listed).
- The insights of particular world-class artists chosen by name (over 155 artists listed).
- Solo pieces from larger works such as operas, oratorios, song cycles, and musicals (over 185 encompassing works listed).
- Titles by exclusively-chosen composers (over 115 composers listed).
- Specific genres such as German lieder, Italian Opera, American Art Song, Musical Theater, Jazz, or even Career Discussions and Vocalization Sessions (over 45 genres listed).
- Masterclasses sponsored by certain music schools and other major arts organizations (over 130 venues listed).
- All masterclasses given in a particular year (from as far back as 1950).
Simply choose the combination(s) you desire, make your selection, and begin viewing and learning immediately.
FOR INSTITUTIONS: Vocal Masterclassics is pleased to serve conservatories, schools of music, music departments, high schools, and community arts organizations whereby we arrange for our online database to be accessible through institutional library electronic resource pages, making the website available round-the-clock to all students, faculty, staff, and other constituents – both on-site and remotely.
FOR INDIVIDUALS: For individual subscribers, we offer two different membership levels, with each receiving full search and database privileges.
Our Thank-You Gift: As our gift to you for subscribing, all current institutional and individual members receive full access to our revolutionary new program, the VMC Advantage Curriculum – a 4-year program of targeted-choice, half-hour-per-week masterclass viewing assignments whereby students view a total of 56 hours of masterclasses by the completion of the program. Students are loving it! Read more about the Advantage Curriculum HERE.
Included in all subscriptions: Our bi-monthly Newsletter keeps all of our subscribers up-to-date regarding the details of the latest masterclasses to hit the internet and which are subsequently added to our database. Once you subscribe at any level, we will continue to send our newsletters to you - even if your subscription has expired (Please note: For institutions, newsletters are sent to library administrators). View the April/May 2016 Newsletter here (VMC Newsletter - April-May 2016) where we list 90 new Vocal Masterclassics posts!